A strange meeting of American originals: Davy Crockett and Charles Willeford. Evan (aka Dave) Lewis runs a great blog called
Davy Crockett's Almanack, where he shares a lot of pulp and paperback fiction -- covers and text. Cross-referencing
my recent Willeford article on the
Mulholland Books site, he has put up a post with about
20 covers from Willeford books from several decades. Check it out

I should note too (by way of disclosure and admiration) that Mr. Lewis and I are in a writing group, and the man has a way with words -- and he's starting to pop up. In the last year, he's had a story in
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, and his work also appears in two new anthologies,
Discount Noir (an eb00k with buzz -- Kindle and
other formats) and
Beat to a Pulp, Round 1.
1 comment:
Thanks Doug. That was fun posting those covers. Got me interested in some of the adult titles. I'm sure Bill Crider has them. Maybe if I call him he'll read some of the spicier bits over the phone.
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